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Division of State Fire Marshal  
Ohio Fire Academy


Spots still open for September classes!

FFFarm Rescue 

Brief Description: Prepare yourself for a variety of agricultural emergencies,such as tractor overturns,machinery entanglements, injuries involving chemicals and pesticides, grain bin entrapments, incidents concerning farm animals and more.
Dates: 9/16-9/17 (Registration Deadline 8/15)
Prereq: Please see course details

Course Number: 1881 2011 001(you'll need this for registration)

EVOEmergency Vehicle Operations 

Brief Description: This 16-hour course combines 8 hours of hands-on driving experience with 8 hours of classroom training on everything from the legal aspects of operation to selecting routes and handling unusual situations.
Dates: 9/18-9/19 (Registration Deadline 8/21)
Prereq: None

Course Number: 1227 2011 001 (you'll need this for registration)
Cost: $120
Course Coordinator: David Belcher 

AEAuto Extrication  

Brief Description: This intensive 12-hour course was developed by the Ohio Fire Academy and is a must for all rescue personnel. Extrication of victims from vehicle accidents is the type of rescue work most frequently performed today.  These skills will also help you with farm and industrial rescue operations.
Dates: 9/25-9/26 (Registration Deadline 8/29)
Prereq: Please see course details

Course Number: 1849 2011 001 (you'll need this for registration)
Cost: $320
Course Coordinator: Randall Hormann

InstructorInstructor Courses and Modules 

PREINSEMS Instructor
Brief Description:
Learn the basics on delivering instruction effectively, grounded in theories of modern adult education.  Train and prepare for your examination and student teaching leading to certification as an EMS Instructor.
Dates: 9/13-9/24 (Registration Deadline 8/15)

Prereq: Please see course details

Course Number: 0030 2011 001 (you'll need this for registration)
Cost: $290
Course Coordinator: Thomas Beatty

View Course List for Details

Instructor Class: EMS Module
Brief Description: Course is required for certification as an EMS Instructor.
Dates: 9/20(Registration Deadline 8/15)
Prereq: Please see course details

Course Number: 0040 2011 001 (you'll need this for registration)
Cost: $85
Course Coordinator: Neil Gottfried
View Course List for Details


Spots still available for September!

HybridAerial Ladder Operation 

Brief Description: Six-hour class demonstrates proper use of aerial apparatus and looks at venitlation, rescue and master streams. Designed for small to midsize fire departments.

Dates: 9/11 (Registration Deadline 8/15)
Prereq: Course #1211 and basic pump knowledge 

Course Number: 6018 2011 001(you'll need this for registration)
Cost: $50
Course Coordinator: Bradley Beck

FOTrench Rescue Level I 

Brief Description: Familiarize yourself with the hazards of collapsing trenches. Participate in field exercises utilizing the Ohio Fire Academy's Trench Rescue Training area.
Dates: 9/13-9/14 (Registration Deadlines 8/15)

Prereq: Good Physical Condition

Course Number: 1853 2011 001 (you'll need this for registration)

FSITrench Rescue Level II 

Brief Description: Advanced course provides sheeting and shoring techniques and addresses hazard control and rescue/recovery operations.  Challenging field exercises in actual trenches help you explore complex scenarios, including intersecting trenches.

Dates: 9/15-9/18 (Registration Deadline 8/15)
Prereq: Course #1853 and Good Physical Condition

Course Number: 1876 2011 001 (you'll need this for registration)
Cost: $280
Course Coordinator: Randall Hormann

FGTManaging the MAYDAY Call or Rapid Intervention Crew Strategies 

Brief Description: Improve Rapid Intervention Crew strategies and learn how to recognize and manage fireground safety issues to make the scene safer for all crews.

Dates: 9/14 (Registration Deadline 8/15)
Prereq: None 

Course Number: 1076 2011 001 (you'll need this for registration)
Cost: $75
Course Coordinator: Gerald Robinson

FFFarm Rescue 

Brief Description: Prepare yourself for a variety of agricultural emergencies,such as tractor overturns,machinery entanglements, injuries involving chemicals and pesticides, grain bin entrapments, incidents concerning farm animals and more.

Dates: 9/16-9/17 (Registration Deadline 8/15)
Prereq: Please see course details

Course Number: 1881 2011 001(you'll need this for registration)

EVOEmergency Vehicle Operations 

Brief Description: This 16-hour course combines 8 hours of hands-on driving experience with 8 hours of classroom training on everything from the legal aspects of operation to selecting routes and handling unusual situations.

Dates: 9/18-9/19 (Registration Deadline 8/21)
Prereq: None

Course Number: 1227 2011 001 (you'll need this for registration)
Cost: $120
Course Coordinator: David Belcher 

AEAuto Extrication  

Brief Description: This intensive 12-hour course was developed by the Ohio Fire Academy and is a must for all rescue personnel. Extrication of victims from vehicle accidents is the type of rescue work most frequently performed today.  These skills will also help you with farm and industrial rescue operations.

Dates: 9/25-9/26 (Registration Deadline 8/29)
Prereq: Please see course details

Course Number: 1849 2011 001 (you'll need this for registration)
Cost: $320
Course Coordinator: Randall Hormann

FPOFundamentals of Pump Operations 

Brief Description: Six-hour class designed to teach you pump principles and plumbing; ratings; problem areas; and practical pump operations.

Dates: 9/25 (Registration Deadline 8/29)
Prereq: None

Course Number: 1211 2011 001 (you'll need this for registration)
Cost: $65
Course Coordinator: Bradley Beck 
Apply Now!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ohio Fire School at Bowling Green

State Fire Scool Link
Ohio Fire School at BGSU fall session is fast approaching for the October classes.  Classes start on Monday and end on Friday Morning.  Here is a list of classes being offered this year: 36-Hour Volunteer Firefighter Certification

Advanced Fire Code
Advanced Fire Ground Search and Firefighter Survival
Advanced Fire Investigation
NEW! Advanced Rescue Scenarios
NEW! Assessment and Treatment of Trauma
Basic Fire Investigation 
Basic and Intermediate Rope Rescue - Operations Level
Building Construction – How It Can Affect Your Day
Confined Space Technician
NEW! Contextual Intelligence for Public Administrators
NEW! EMS Field Training Officer
Engine Company Operations
Fire Instructor Certification
Fire Officer 1
Fire Officer 2
NEW! Kids in Crisis: Pediatrics and EMS
Paramedic Refresher
NEW! Patient Assessment: Quick and Simple
Rapid Intervention
NEW! Truck Company Essentials

This is an excellent time to work with your fellow firefighters from all ov
er the state of Ohio


Division of State Fire Marshal - Ohio Fire Academy


Spots still available for September!
You received this reminder because you signed up for the OFA-Firefighter mailing list.  This list is designed to provide information to those interested in Ohio Fire Academy training and news related directly to firefighting.

HybridAerial Ladder Operation 

Brief Description: Six-hour class demonstrates proper use of aerial apparatus and looks at venitlation, rescue and master streams. Designed for small to midsize fire departments.

Dates: 9/11 (Registration Deadline 8/15)
Prereq: Course #1211 and basic pump knowledge 

Course Number: 6018 2011 001(you'll need this for registration)
Cost: $50
Course Coordinator: Bradley Beck

FOTrench Rescue Level I 

Brief Description: Familiarize yourself with the hazards of collapsing trenches. Participate in field exercises utilizing the Ohio Fire Academy's Trench Rescue Training area.
Dates: 9/13-9/14 (Registration Deadlines 8/15)

Prereq: Good Physical Condition

Course Number: 1853 2011 001 (you'll need this for registration)

FSITrench Rescue Level II 

Brief Description: Advanced course provides sheeting and shoring techniques and addresses hazard control and rescue/recovery operations.  Challenging field exercises in actual trenches help you explore complex scenarios, including intersecting trenches.

Dates: 9/15-9/18 (Registration Deadline 8/15)
Prereq: Course #1853 and Good Physical Condition

Course Number: 1876 2011 001 (you'll need this for registration)
Cost: $280
Course Coordinator: Randall Hormann

FGTManaging the MAYDAY Call or Rapid Intervention Crew Strategies 

Brief Description: Improve Rapid Intervention Crew strategies and learn how to recognize and manage fireground safety issues to make the scene safer for all crews.

Dates: 9/14 (Registration Deadline 8/15)
Prereq: None 

Course Number: 1076 2011 001 (you'll need this for registration)
Cost: $75
Course Coordinator: Gerald Robinson

FFFarm Rescue 

Brief Description: Prepare yourself for a variety of agricultural emergencies,such as tractor overturns,machinery entanglements, injuries involving chemicals and pesticides, grain bin entrapments, incidents concerning farm animals and more.

Dates: 9/16-9/17 (Registration Deadline 8/15)
Prereq: Please see course details

Course Number: 1881 2011 001(you'll need this for registration)

EVOEmergency Vehicle Operations 

Brief Description: This 16-hour course combines 8 hours of hands-on driving experience with 8 hours of classroom training on everything from the legal aspects of operation to selecting routes and handling unusual situations.

Dates: 9/18-9/19 (Registration Deadline 8/21)
Prereq: None

Course Number: 1227 2011 001 (you'll need this for registration)
Cost: $120
Course Coordinator: David Belcher 

AEAuto Extrication  

Brief Description: This intensive 12-hour course was developed by the Ohio Fire Academy and is a must for all rescue personnel. Extrication of victims from vehicle accidents is the type of rescue work most frequently performed today.  These skills will also help you with farm and industrial rescue operations.

Dates: 9/25-9/26 (Registration Deadline 8/29)
Prereq: Please see course details

Course Number: 1849 2011 001 (you'll need this for registration)
Cost: $320
Course Coordinator: Randall Hormann

FPOFundamentals of Pump Operations 

Brief Description: Six-hour class designed to teach you pump principles and plumbing; ratings; problem areas; and practical pump operations.

Dates: 9/25 (Registration Deadline 8/29)
Prereq: None

Course Number: 1211 2011 001 (you'll need this for registration)
Cost: $65
Course Coordinator: Bradley Beck 

ofa sealREGISTRATION made easy at the Ohio Fire Academy:
(1) Review the Ohio Fire Academy course list and choose your class.
(2) Review the details for the class to make sure it is a good fit for you.

(3) Scroll to the bottom of the details and click Apply.
(4) Login with an existing account or create an account to register.

(5) Problems? Call the Academy at 888-726-7731 or 614-752-7196. 

Ohio Fire Academy classes are instructed by premiere instructors of public safety services.  Many courses are delivered in an accelerated format that facilitates students in mastering the basic principles and skills needed to make an immediate impact in their work.
If you are concerned about the cost of training, make sure to talk to your Training Officer or Chief or call the Academy toll-free at888-726-7731.  Some classes do have grants available.  Remember, registration deadlines are 30 days before the start of a class, so talk to someone now to ensure you still have enough time to register. 


Weather for Greenville